Thursday, January 19, 2012


"Only when lions have historians will hunters stop being heroes."
 -West African proverb

          When I was an adolescent, I saw the classic 1942 Disney film "Bambi", which contained the famous scene when Bambi’s mother was shot and killed by a hunter, after urgently telling him to run for safety. This was a Defining Movie Moment for me and, I found out later, for many others. I remember that I came home that evening and informed my family that I didn't want any more of the venison that our neighbor would proudly present to us from his hunting expeditions. Moreover, I had decided that I also didn't want to eat little lambs or calves (veal), cows, pigs, chickens or even fish.
          My mother soon put an end to my innocent idea by informing me that if I didn't eat meat, I would surely DIE! End of story. This was the early sixties, and the benefits of a vegetarian diet had not yet been confirmed by the extensive research done in the 1980's and 1990's.
          When I was twenty years old and on my own, I was finally able to become a vegetarian while living in a supportive environment, where most of my friends were discovering such exotic fare as brown rice and tofu. 
          After listening to dozens of similar “Bambi” stories from young people in my age group (we were part of the huge post-WW II "Baby Boomer" generation) I realized what a wonderful and courageous man Walt Disney was! He was able to transport the FEELINGS of animals as portrayed in many of his classic movies to a whole generation. Before that, we as children thought that animals were to play with and that meat was something that you bought in a grocery store. There was no connection for us as to where our meat really came from.  
          Mr. Disney chose not to sugarcoat the reality of animal suffering and death from our generation. Instead, he had the courage to let us see the world through the eyes of the creatures who would become our meals, by showing us their pain and sadness, the same pain that we would feel if we lost our own parent. So extensive was his influence upon my generation that some of us “Baby Boomers” could be renamed the "Bambi Boomers”!
          Do you have a Defining Moment in your own life that impacted your decision to change your diet? I would truly like to hear about it if you do. 

I am Linda Joy wishing you much Peace, Love & Tofu until next week.

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