Thursday, April 5, 2012


          We all have been taught that True Beauty comes from within, and I do believe this to be true. On another level, we see that True Health leads to True Beauty. When we think of someone as being the “picture of health”, what usually comes to mind is a person with a glowing complexion, shining hair, good muscle tone, and a joyful disposition. The fastest way that I have found in my own life to achieve this Inward AND Outward Beauty is simply to become aware of and to take responsibility for my own bodily health and natural beauty. Following are several hints for “edible beauty”, “spreadable beauty” and “get-able beauty”.
          EDIBLE BEAUTY: For me, a vegan lifestyle does all this and more. I now consume the healthiest foods almost without having to think about it: fruits, veggies, legumes, whole grains, nuts and seeds, in all of their most delicious forms.
         As an example, the KOMBUCHA that I drink daily upon arising contains, among other healthy components, HYARULONIC ACID, which is a natural component of collagen. Collagen is the substance that keeps our skin elastic and youthful-looking. It is now being isolated and put into expensive “skin creams” for those who are always looking for the magic fountain of youth. I have found, though, that all I have to do to obtain the same results is to drink my own, easily made, inexpensive Kombucha daily.
          Another elixir is my “GREEN GODDESS A-GO-GO SMOOTHIE” that I drink every morning. The ground golden FLAXSEED that goes into this Green Drink, along with PINEAPPLE JUICE, SPIRULINA and ALMOND MILK feel so good in my tummy. The flaxseed keeps my skin and hair shining and healthy. Spirulina contains all the B vitamins, probiotics, plenty of iron and so much more. Almond milk has MORE calcium than cow’s milk. The pineapple juice contains bromelain, a natural anti-inflammatory ingredient and digestive aid.

          SPREADABLE BEAUTY: For many years now I have been washing my face twice a day with pure ALOE VERA GEL.  Its perfect pH keeps in moisture while helping to keep bacteria out. In fact, I read recently that researchers in Spain discovered that if they applied a thin coating of aloe vera gel to fruit and veggies after harvest, it stayed fresh FIVE TIMES LONGER than the unprotected produce! And they did not have to “wax” their produce.  (I wonder if this would keep me “fresh 5 times longer”, helping to stave off wrinkles-LOL.) Aloe vera gel also makes a nice hair gel that is actually good for my hair and doesn’t make it feel like wood as other hair gels do! I just mix a little gel with water in the palm of my hand, and then use it to “scrunch up” my baby fine hair to give it soft curls and added texture.
          As a member of the Baby Boomer generation, I am now in my sixties. I found that after I wash my face with the aloe vera gel, by applying some GOOD NATURAL OIL (a tiny bit is all that is needed) it helps to keep it moist and glowing. Coconut oil, almond oil, Jojoba oil, sesame oil or safflower oil are some of the natural oils that have excellent benefits for the skin.
          I add some oil to body lotion or even to cheap hair conditioner, shake it up well, and use this on my body after a shower. My skin thirstily drinks up this moisture. I could of course use straight oil for this, but then I must wait before getting dressed or I will have oil stains on my clothes. This combination is also less expensive than using pure oil for my entire body.

          GET-ABLE BEAUTY: Two things which I have the power to do in order to bring more beauty into my life are “getting” some EXERCISE and FRESH AIR every day. These two small steps contribute to my feeling of well-being. If I can set aside even 10 minutes a day to do my weight-bearing exercise, or to dance around to happy music, I feel so much more centered. Taking a short walk around the ‘hood or sitting on my porch watching the birds and drinking in NATURE’S BEAUTY do so much to restore my natural state of joy.

          Finally, I wish to leave you with these wise words of Beauty from the late, forever lovely AUDREY HEPBURN:

        "-FOR ATTRACTIVE LIPS: speak words of kindness.
          -FOR LOVELY EYES: seek out the good in people.
          -FOR A SLIM FIGURE: share your food with the hungry.
          -FOR BEAUTIFUL HAIR: let a child run his/her fingers through it
            once a day.
          -FOR POISE: walk with the knowledge that you'll never walk alone.
          -AND REMEMBER: if you ever need a helping hand, you'll find one at the end of your arm, because as you grow older you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, and one for helping others."

Wishing you a BEAUTY-FULL life…LINDA JOY

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